Málaga City of Knowledge

Knowledge in small cups

You can see all the talks. Enjoy them!! (Spanish)

Project details

Málaga City of Knowledge is an event entirely conceived and organised by Sombradoble. In it, first-class professionals shared their experiences and life lessons in short talks of 12 minutes, with a subsequent roundtable that encouraged audience participation. The project covered a wide range of disciplines with the common threads of research and development. Guest speakers were characterised by their innovation, creativity, alternative thinking and search for improvement.

We discussed the use of new technologies in biomedicine, new business models and existing opportunities, the future of gastronomy, the limits and consequences of humour, the avant-garde in art, the dissemination of science and other topics, all in a single event that is unique in its format.

The first edition was held on March 25, 2015, in CAC Málaga.

You can read more at Málaga City of Knowledge

  • Design
  • Dissemination
  • Event management
  • Management
  • Web